Wednesday, March 25, 2009

10 Months Old

Wyatt turned 10 Months old yesterday. I can't believe he is already in double digits. It is sad and exciting to think that in 2 months my little baby with be 1.

He walked for the first time, unassisted and more than 3 steps on Sunday. Wanted a toy from his toy box and walked and got it.

My baby is growing so fast.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Mini Vacation to the N. GA Mountains

We had so much fun this past weekend. Adam, Wyatt and I went to the N. Ga mountains and did some shopping, sight seeing and had a lot of family time. It was so great. And since Adam works a lot it was nice to spend quality time with him without the phone or laptop stuck to him. Wyatt enjoyed being outside even though he had to stay bundled up. Here are some pics:

Wyatt's 1st Haircut

The top is before, middle is during and bottom is after. He was not very happy with getting it cut but he did a lot better than we expected. Thank you Grandma Becky!!! He looks more like a little man especially without the "party in the back".

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wyatt's 1st Snow

March 1, 2009 welcomed Wyatt's first snow. We got over 6 inches of whiteness. It was great. Except for our power going out on Sunday and being out until Tuesday evening. Plus we had no cable (which also meant no internet) until Thursday evening. But I still enjoyed the snow and I think that Wyatt did too.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

9 Months Old Already

I can't believe that Wyatt is 9 months old today. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing home this tiny little man from the hospital. I just can't believe how fast this time has flown by.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A new little friend for Wyatt

William Asher D. was born on Saturday February 21 at 11:49 am to Jarrod and Kathryn. We are so excited for them. Adam and I were there when he was born. He looks just like his daddy. I am sure that he and Wyatt will be best friends. They are a little less than 9 months apart. This is just a wonderful time and such a blessing.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well we have been trying to work with Wyatt on walking and it doesn't seem like he is all that interested. He will cruise the furniture, walk behind his push walker and walk if you hold his hands. He just isn't ready to be independent, I don't think. And I am actually relieved. I know that sounds horrible but I am just not ready to let go of my baby. He isn't even 9 months old yet and in many ways his baby ways have started to disappear. It is very sad. I wish I could hold him as a baby a little longer and keep his innocence from disappearing.